Good for the environment,
good for your wallet

The costs of Fungi Force is, in the beginning, higher than most ‘normal’ stains at purchase. But because the maintenance of Fungi Force is easier than normal stain, Fungi Force is ultimately cheaper. You do not have to apply Fungi Force every 2 to 5 years, such as necessary for ordinary stains. You apply Fungi Force once and then only need to be re-treated with oilfinish.

Calculation example

Imagine you want to treat a garden house of about 50m2. If you use ordinary stain, you have to treat the garden house every 2 to 5 years, depending on weather conditions. After an average of 7 years, you have to re-treat the garden house for the 3rd time.

To treat 50m2 of wood you need about 4 liters of stain to treat the wood once. After seven years you have to re-treat the garden house for the third time and you need a total of about three times 4 liters of stain. The costs for this 12 liters of stain are approximately 200 Euro. The use of a cheaper stain is possible, but then you usually have to retreat more often in those 7 years.

When you treat the garden house with Fungi Force, you only need to apply it once and if necessary, re-treat it with Fungi Force oilfinish, depending on weather conditions in particular. After 7 years you have used 4 liters of biofinish and 12 liters of oil finish. The costs for this are approximately 220 Euro.

There are a lot more benefits when you treat the wood with Fungi Force. For example, if the wood is not black enough after staining, you have to re-treat it again. Fungi Force automatically becomes deep black, even if it is not yet intensely black immediately after application.

Fungi Force also has advantages in terms of maintenance. In order to apply the oil finish, the wood does not need to be pre-treated. Simply applying the oil finish is sufficient. When re-treat the woo with ordinairy stain, you have to degrease the wood and remove all the sand and dust. Every time you want to stain again.

Finally, Fungi Force is a natural stain without chemical additives. Good for the environment and harmless for humans and animals. With Fungi Force you do something good for the environment, and you also do something good for your wallet.

Convinced of Fungi Force?

Are you convinced that Fungi Force is ultimately cheaper than ordinary stain? Then order now your 100% natural wood protection. Fungi Force is available in cans of 0.75l and 2.5l. Good for approximately 6m2 or 20m2 of wood to be treated.

Still not convinced? There is also a trial package available or read more about the functioning of Fungi Force.